Cub Summer Camp – 2018

A week of fun friendship and skills for life at this year’s Summer camp!

This year 24 excited cubs headed off to Huish Woods Scout campsite near Taunton for what turned out to be an awesome week, packed with activities on and off site.

We started the week making the most of everything the amazing site had to offer from the muddy caves, to the exhilarating zip wire. They all loved it, especially getting to play with power drills and tools on the woodcraft activity.

But not ones to confine them to site, they also got to get out and about. Playing in the mud at digger land, driving the dumpers and destroying the digger skittles. Dressing up among the planes at the fleet air arm museum and a day of fun at Crealy.

They may also be a little better at washing up, but don’t trust them with the best china!

Non stop Adventure and 24 very tired but happy cubs, what a week!